
A2 수준 단어 목록 - 필수 동사

여기서는 A2 학습자를 위해 준비된 "hold", "identify" 및 "involve"와 같은 몇 가지 필수 영어 동사를 배우게 됩니다.









학습 시작
CEFR A2 Vocabulary
to hold

to have in your hands or arms

뭔가를 들고

뭔가를 들고

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to identify

to be able to say who or what someone or something is

누군가의 신원을 인식하는 것

누군가의 신원을 인식하는 것

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to involve

to be part of an event, situation, or activity

무언가의 일부가 되는 것

무언가의 일부가 되는 것

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to joke

to say something funny or behave in a way that makes people laugh



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to knock

to hit a door, surface, etc. in a way to attract attention, especially expecting it to be opened



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to lead

to go in front of or beside someone or something in order to show them the way or to make them go in a particular direction

그룹을 이끌고 있다

그룹을 이끌고 있다

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to lift

to move a thing from a lower position or level to a higher one

뭔가 들어올리기

뭔가 들어올리기

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to light

to set something on fire

to link

to establish a physical connection or attachment between two or more things

무언가를 다른 것과 연결하기

무언가를 다른 것과 연결하기

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to lock

to secure something with a lock or seal



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to mark

to leave a sign, line, etc. on something

뭔가 표시

뭔가 표시

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to matter

to be important or have a great effect on someone or something

문제가 되다

문제가 되다

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to mention

to say something about someone or something, without giving much detail

무언가를 언급하거나 암시하는 것

무언가를 언급하거나 암시하는 것

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to mind

(often used in negative or question form) to be upset, offended, or bothered by something

화를 내다

화를 내다

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to number

to give numbers to different parts of a list or series of objects or people



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to organize

to make the necessary arrangements for an event or activity to take place

뭔가 정리

뭔가 정리

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to own

to have something as for ourselves



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to pack

to put clothes and other things needed for travel into a bag, suitcase, etc.

소지품 수집

소지품 수집

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to photograph

to use a camera to take a picture of something

...의 사진을 찍다

...의 사진을 찍다

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to predict

to say that something is going to happen before it actually takes place



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to present

to give something to someone as a gift, often in a formal manner



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to prevent

to not let someone to do something

누군가가 뭔가를 하는 것을 방해하는 것

누군가가 뭔가를 하는 것을 방해하는 것

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to print

to make words, pictures, or anything else on something such as a piece of paper using ink and a special device called printer

to promise

to tell someone that one will do something or that a particular event will happen

누군가를 약속하다

누군가를 약속하다

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to race

to compete against someone to see who is the fastest

to shut

to close something



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to guide

to show the correct way or place to someone

누군가를 안내하다

누군가를 안내하다

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to kill

to end the life of someone or something



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to set

to adjust something to be in a suitable or desired condition for a specific purpose or use



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to park

to move a car, bus, etc. into an empty place and leave it there for a short time

차량을 주차하다

차량을 주차하다

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