TOEFL을 위한 고급 어휘 - 물리적 외관
TOEFL 시험에 필요한 "acne", "brunette", "dowdy" 등과 같은 외모에 관한 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
a skin condition in which small red spots appear on the face or the neck, mainly affecting teenagers
여드름, 피부 트러블
a brownish or reddish mark that some people have on their skin since they are born
출생표시, 모반
an area of skin that has turned hard and rough by being constantly exposed to friction
a small hollow place in the flesh, especially one that forms in the cheeks when one smiles
보조개, 함몰
a person or animal born with no pigment, which is a genetic condition that can turn the skin and hair white and the eyes pink
알비노, 알비나
(especially of a man) having a short but quite solid figure with thick muscles
땅딸막하고 단단한, 몸이 건장한
(of a woman) unfashionable, unattractive, or lacking in style and elegance, often due to outdated clothing choices or a conservative appearance
구식의, 미적 감각이 없는
having an appearance or attitude that is characteristic of people who play punk music
펑크, 펑크 스타일의
a hairstyle in which The hair is pulled back from the face, twisted, and coiled on top
번헤어, 올림머리
(plural) the front part of someone's hair cut in a way that hangs across their forehead
(of hair) having a lot of small tight curls that are neither smooth nor shiny
곱슬, 부풀어 오른
to give a half-smile, often displaying satisfaction, superiority, or amusement
익살스럽게 미소짓다, 우쭐해 하며 미소짓다