Woorden Gerelateerd aan het Lichaam - Het oor
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met het oor, zoals "oorschelp", "cochlea" en "oorlel".
the curved outer rim or outer part of the external ear

helix, buitenrand van het oor

a part of the external ear's cartilage structure that runs parallel to the helix and is located on the inner side of the ear

antihelix, anti-hélix

the concave cavity or bowl-like structure found in the middle part of the external ear


a small protuberance of cartilage located opposite to the tragus on the inner side of the external ear


a small, triangular projection of cartilage located in front of the ear canal, partially covering its entrance

tragus, tragus (knorpel)

the passage through which sound is carried from the outer ear to the tympanic membrane

gehoorgang, oorkanaal

the soft, fleshy lower part of the external ear, often referred to as the earlobe

lobulus, oorlel

the air-filled space behind the eardrum that contains the three small bones

middenoor, holte achter het trommelvlies

the small hammer-shaped bone in the middle ear that transmits sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear

hamer, malleus

a thin piece of skin in the middle ear that vibrates by sound waves and enables one to hear sounds, also known as tympanic membrane

trommelvlies, tympanische membraan

a small bone in the middle ear that helps transmit sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear


a small bone in the human middle ear that transmits sound vibrations from the incus to the inner ear


(anatomy) a spiral cavity in the inner ear that contains sensory organs which send nerve signals to the brain in response to vibrations


the visible part of the ear, including the pinna and the ear canal

uiterlijke oor, oorlel

the sensory organ responsible for hearing and balance located within the skull


one of the three fluid-filled ducts in the inner ear that plays a role in hearing and is located above the cochlear duct

vestibulaire duct, vestibulaire buis

one of the three fluid-filled ducts in the inner ear that plays a role in hearing and is located below the cochlear duct

tympanische buis, trommelholte

a small passageway that connects the middle ear to the back of the throat, helping to equalize air pressure

buis van Eustachius, Eustachiusbuis

a fluid-filled structure in the inner ear that detects rotational movements and helps maintain balance

halfronde kanaal, halfrond kanaal van het binnenoor

a small, fluid-filled sac in the inner ear that helps detect changes in head position and linear acceleration


the expanded region within the semicircular canals of the inner ear


a fluid-filled duct in the inner ear responsible for hearing, housing the organ of Corti which converts sound waves into nerve signals

cochelaar kanaal, cochelaire buis

a small membranous sac located in the inner ear that is responsible for detecting changes in linear acceleration and head position
