Boek English Result - Pre-intermediate - Eenheid 1 - 1B
Hier vindt u de woordenschat uit Unit 1 t/m 1B in het Engels Resultaat Pre-Intermediate cursusboek, zoals "letter", "persoonlijk", "badge", enz.
a piece of paper or card that shows you can do or get something, like ride on a bus or attend an event

ticket, kaartje

a written or printed message that is sent to someone or an organization, company, etc.

brief, bericht

a short piece of writing that helps us remember something

notitie, briefje

any official card that shows someone's name, birth date, photograph, etc., proving who they are

identiteitskaart, ID-kaart

a small item made of metal or plastic with words or a logo on it that a person carries to show their membership in an organization

insigne, badge

a plastic card, usually given to us by a bank, that we use to pay for goods and services

creditcard, bankkaart

a small card that contains contact information for a person or company, used to share and promote professional connections

visitekaartje, zakelijke kaart

an official document that shows someone is qualified to drive a motor vehicle

rijbewijs, rijbewijsdocument

an official document issued by a government that identifies someone as a citizen of a particular country, which is needed when leaving a country and entering another one


a computer file, book, piece of paper etc. that is used as evidence or a source of information

document, bestand