related to the sea and the different life forms that exist there

marien, zeeleven

related to navigation on sea, ships, sailors, etc.

maritiem, zeevervoer

(law) resistance to comply with a court order

weigering, verzet tegen een gerechtelijke uitspraak

treating somebody rudely in order to belittle them

beledigend, minachtend

related to the latest part of the Stone Age when humans used stones as tools and weapons

neolithisch, betreffende de neolithische periode

the action of inventing a new meaning for an existing word or phrase


a recently born organism, especially a newborn baby or an animal

neonatus, pasgeborene

the study of the rules and different methods of using language in a way that is effective


a person who through speech persuades and influences people

retoricus, redenaar

to stain something or someplace that usually is considered holy

ontheiligen, vervuilen