Relationele Bijvoeglijke Naamwoorden - Bijvoeglijke naamwoorden van de wiskunde
Deze bijvoeglijke naamwoorden hebben betrekking op het gebied van de wiskunde, dat getallen en vormen onderzoekt en analyseert.
related to or used in mathematics

wiskundig, met wiskunde betrekking houdend

relating to the branch of mathematics concerned with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data


describing a method for understanding things through the use of logic and detailed thinking

analytisch, van analyse

relating or close to the radius of a circle or sphere

radiaal, met betrekking tot de straal

relating to processes or solutions that follow step-by-step instructions or rules to solve problems or accomplish tasks

algoritmisch, op algoritme gebaseerde

relating to basic calculations involving numbers

aritmetisch, numeriek

multiplying a whole number by all the smaller whole numbers down to 1


relating to or situated around an imaginary line called an axis, which is a central reference point for rotation or symmetry

axiaal, as

connected with the branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between lines, angles and surfaces


related to terms in mathematics where variables are raised to the first power and combined by addition or subtraction

additief, additieve

relating to a system of numbers based on powers of ten, where quantities are expressed using digits, including fractions and whole numbers

decimaal, betreffende het decimale systeem

relating to or involving algebra, a branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols


relating to the study and application of angles and their related functions

trigonometrisch, trigonometri

relating to the way a function or curve approaches a fixed value or shape as its independent variable reaches a particular limit, often infinity or a specific point

asymptotisch, benaderend

relating to a system or approach based on a set of fundamental principles or axioms from which all other mathematical statements and theorems are derived

axiomatisch, met axioma's verbonden

relating to a type of geometry based on Euclid's principles, focusing on flat space and shapes like triangles and circles

euclidisch, euclidische geometrie

relating to a scale or function where values change by a constant factor over equal intervals


related to the middle value in a set of numbers or the line connecting a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side

mediaan, midden