Algemene Training IELTS (Band 5 en Lager) - Sport
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden met betrekking tot sport die nodig zijn voor het General Training IELTS-examen.
any sport involving running, jumping, throwing and other forms of exertion, typically performed competitively


the activity or sport of jumping into water from a diving board, with the head and arms first


a sport that develops and displays one's agility, balance, coordination, and strength


a sport in which fighters wear special gloves and use only their fists to hit each other


a strategic two-player board game where players move pieces with different abilities across a board with the objective of capturing the opponent's king

schaak, schaakspel

the sport or activity of moving on ice with ice skates

schaatsen, ijsschaatsen

a sport in which riders race against each other with their horses

paardenrennen, paardensport

a sport played with a round ball between two teams of eleven players each, aiming to score goals by kicking the ball into the opponent's goalpost

voetbal, voetbalspel

a type of sport where two teams, with often five players each, try to throw a ball through a net that is hanging from a ring and gain points

basketbal, ballen

a game played with a bat and ball by two teams of 9 players who try to hit the ball and then run around four bases before the other team can return the ball

honkbal, het honkbalspel

a type of sport in which two teams of 6 players try to hit a ball over a net and into the other team's side

volleybal, volleybalspel

a sport in which two or four players use rackets to hit a small ball backward and forward over a net


a game played by two teams of thirteen or fifteen players, who kick or carry an oval ball over the other team’s line to score points


a game also called tennis, played by two or four players who aim to hit a small plastic ball back and forth on a table across a net placed in the middle using special bats

pingpong, tafeltennis

a game played by two teams of eleven players who try to get points by hitting the ball with a wooden bat and running between two sets of vertical wooden sticks


a game that is mostly played outside where each person uses a special stick to hit a small white ball into a number of holes with the least number of swings


a sport or game in which a player rolls a ball down a lane with the aim of knocking over as many pins as possible at the other end of the lane

bowling, spelletje bowlen

an indoor game for two teams of players each trying to throw a ball with their hands to the opponent's goal


a team sport played in water, combining elements of swimming and soccer

waterpolo, polo in het water

a table game in which two players compete by trying to direct balls into holes around the table using special long sticks called cues

biljart, biljartspel

a variation of pool played on a special green table with 1 white ball, 15 red balls, and 6 balls of other colors

snooker, biljart

a game played on a table with two players, in which the players use special sticks to hit 16 numbered balls into the holes at the edge of the table

biljart, pool

a game played by two teams of eleven players on grass or a field, using long sticks to put a hard ball in the opposite team's goal

hockey, veldhockey

a game in which two teams of players form circles and aim to hit their opponents with a ball in order to eliminate them while avoiding getting hit themselves


a fast-paced variant of indoor soccer played with a smaller ball and on a smaller court

futsal, zaalvoetbal

a game that involves two or more players, hitting a rubber ball against the walls of a closed court by a racket

squash, squashspel

a game for two or four people who play with a hollow rubber ball and special rackets on a court with four walls


a sport played by two or four players who hit a lightweight object called a shuttle back and forth over a tall net using rackets


a game where a small rubber ball is attached to a wooden paddle with an elastic string, and players hit the ball with the paddle to keep it in motion

paddleball, spel met racket en bal