Academisch IELTS (Band 8 en Hoger) - Management
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden met betrekking tot management die nodig zijn voor het Academisch IELTS-examen.
the act or process of overseeing the activities of individuals or a group to ensure compliance with rules or objectives
toezicht, bewaking
a cooperative or united group of individuals, entities, or elements working together for a common purpose or interest
collectief, samenleving
a corporation formed by merging different firms or businesses
conglomeraat, bedrijfscombinatie
the inefficient or improper management, especially within a public institution or organization
wanbeheer, slordig bestuur
a group of people or businesses who come together in order to carry out or to fund a particular business project
syndicaat, financieringsgroep
an agreement reached by all members of a group
consensus, overeenkomst
a clear instruction or order given to guide actions or decisions
richtlijn, instructie
the place where the main offices of a large company or organization are located
hoofdkantoor, zetel