Academic IELTS (Banda 8 și Mai Sus) - Management
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză legate de management care sunt necesare pentru examenul Academic IELTS.
Fișe de studiu
the act or process of overseeing the activities of individuals or a group to ensure compliance with rules or objectives

supraveghere, control

a cooperative or united group of individuals, entities, or elements working together for a common purpose or interest

colectiv, comunitate

a corporation formed by merging different firms or businesses

conglomerat, grup de firme

the inefficient or improper management, especially within a public institution or organization

administrare defectuoasă, gestiune necorespunzătoare

a group of people or businesses who come together in order to carry out or to fund a particular business project

sindicat, consorț

a clear instruction or order given to guide actions or decisions

direcție, instrucțiune