Academisch IELTS (Band 6-7) - Weather
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met Weer en die nodig zijn voor het Academische IELTS-examen.
rain that falls in small, fine drops, creating a gentle and steady rainfall

motregen, drizzel

a weather condition during which the temperature drops below the freezing point and thin layers of ice are formed on the surfaces

vorst, rijp

a period of hot weather, usually hotter and longer than before

hittegolf, warmtegolf

a very strong and destructive wind that moves in circles, often seen in the Caribbean

hurricane, cycloon

a person who predicts and reports on the current and future weather conditions for a specific region

weerman, weerpresentator

the specific and localized atmospheric conditions within a small and distinct area, often differing from the surrounding region


a prediction of what will happen such as a change in the weather

voorspelling, prognose

a thin, fog-like cloud consisting of tiny water droplets suspended in the air

mist, nevel

a suspension of fine particles, such as dust, smoke, or moisture, in the air, causing reduced visibility

nevel, mist