Elementair 1 - Financiën en winkelen
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden over financiën en winkelen, zoals "euro", "price" en "gift", voorbereid voor studenten op basisniveau.
the currency of the UK and some other countries that is equal to 100 pence

pond, Britse pond

a unit of money in some countries, equal to one hundredth of a dollar or euro

cent, honderdste

an area of stores or a group of stores built together in one area

winkelcentrum, shoppingcentrum

something that we give to someone because we like them, especially on a special occasion, or to say thank you

cadeau, gift

(of business, public building, etc.) ready to be visited or provide a service to customers

open, beschikbaar

(of business, public building, etc.) not open for people to buy something from or visit, often temporarily

gesloten, niet open