
Książka Top Notch 2A - Część 3 - Lekcja 3

Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z Części 3 - Lekcji 3 z podręcznika Top Notch 2A, takie jak "wieszak", "udogodnienia", "na wynos" itp.









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Top Notch 2A
hotel room

a room that we pay to occupy in a hotel

pokój hotelowy, pokój w hotelu

pokój hotelowy, pokój w hotelu

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features, services, or other things that provide convenience, comfort, and enjoyment

udogodnienia, usługi

udogodnienia, usługi

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a piece of cloth or paper that you use for drying your body or things such as dishes

ręcznik, ściereczka

ręcznik, ściereczka

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a piece of metal, plastic, or wood, usually in a triangular shape with a hook on its top, that people use for storing their clothes in a closet or on a rack

wieszak, wieszak na ubrania

wieszak, wieszak na ubrania

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a piece of equipment with a heated flat metal base, used to smooth clothes

żelazko, żelazo

żelazko, żelazo

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hair dryer

a device that you use to blow warm air over our hair to dry it

suszarka do włosów, podróżna suszarka do włosów

suszarka do włosów, podróżna suszarka do włosów

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to make up

to arrange, organize, or prepare a bed or room

posłać łóżko, przygotować łóżko

posłać łóżko, przygotować łóżko

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a space in a building with walls, a floor, and a ceiling where people do different activities

pokój, pomieszczenie

pokój, pomieszczenie

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to turn down

to turn a switch on a device so that it makes less sound, heat, etc.

zmniejszyć, obniżyć

zmniejszyć, obniżyć

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furniture we use to sleep on that normally has a frame and mattress



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to pick up

to take and lift something or someone up

podnieść, wziąć

podnieść, wziąć

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clothes, sheets, etc. that have just been washed or need washing

pranie, brudne ubrania

pranie, brudne ubrania

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to bring up

to lift or move something to a higher position

podnieść, wynieść

podnieść, wynieść

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a set of large folded sheets of paper with lots of stories, pictures, and information printed on them about things like sport, politic, etc., usually issued daily or weekly

gazeta, czasopismo

gazeta, czasopismo

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to take away

to take something from someone so that they no longer have it

odebrać, zabrać

odebrać, zabrać

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a flat, shallow container for cooking food in or serving it from

talerz, danie

talerz, danie

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room service

a hotel service where guests can order food, drinks, or other amenities to be delivered to their room, typically from a menu provided by the hotel

serwis pokojowy, room service

serwis pokojowy, room service

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