Książka Face2face - Średnio zaawansowany - Jednostka 6 - 6C
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z rozdziałów 6–6C z podręcznika Face2Face Intermediate, takie jak „spadająca gwiazda”, „podejście”, „urok” itp.
a usually small meteor that burns with a bright light when entering the earth's atmosphere

spadająca gwiazda, meteoryt

a natural, white substance, obtained from mines and also found in seawater that is added to the food to make it taste better or to preserve it


a piece of equipment with a set of steps that are connected to two long bars, used for climbing up and down a height


the hard material that the trunk and branches of a tree or shrub are made of, used for fuel or timber


a small object, often in the form of a necklace or bracelet, which is believed to bring good luck

urok, talisman

an object with a circular folding frame covered in cloth, used as protection against rain or sun

parasol, parasolka

to decide what we want to have or what is best for us from a group of options

wybrać, zdecydować się

to choose someone or something out of a group of people or things

wybierać, selekcjonować

feeling happy because we have what we wanted, or because something has happened the way we wanted

zadowolony, zadowolona

satisfied and happy with one's current situation or circumstances

zadowolony, szczęśliwy

to request someone to act appropriately or according to expected standards, often used politely

zachowywać się, działać w odpowiedni sposób

to pay attention and become aware of a particular thing or person

zauważyć, dostrzec

a particular point or location that is identified or located in relation to the surrounding surface features of a region or area

miejsce, punkt

the typical way a person thinks or feels about something or someone, often affecting their behavior and decisions


feeling completely sure about something and showing that you believe it

pewien, określony

to take the necessary action regarding someone or something specific

zajmować się, radzić sobie z

to handle a difficult situation and deal with it successfully

radzić sobie, stawić czoła