
Książka Interchange - Średnio zaawansowany niższy - Jednostka 4 - Część 1

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Interchange - Pre-intermediate
to play

to perform music on a musical instrument

grać, wykonywać

grać, wykonywać

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a musical instrument, usually with six strings, that we play by pulling the strings with our fingers or with a plectrum



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a piece of land with a government of its own, official borders, laws, etc.

kraj, naród

kraj, naród

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(of a device) having very small parts such as chips and obtaining power from electricity

elektroniczny, elektryczny

elektroniczny, elektryczny

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a genre of music that originated in Latin America

latynos, muzyka latynoamerykańska

latynos, muzyka latynoamerykańska

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related to music that is respected, serious, and is typically from the Western tradition

klasyczny, muzyka klasyczna

klasyczny, muzyka klasyczna

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a music genre that emphasizes improvisation, complex rhythms, and extended chords, originated in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries



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popular music featuring rap that is set to electronic music, first developed among black and Hispanic communities in the US

hip-hop, muzyka hip-hop

hip-hop, muzyka hip-hop

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being the one that is different, extra, or not included



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movies, television shows, etc. or an activity that is made for people to enjoy

rozrywka, przedstawienie

rozrywka, przedstawienie

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television show

a series of episodes broadcast on television that tells a story or provides entertainment, usually consisting of a specific genre or format

program telewizyjny, show telewizyjny

program telewizyjny, show telewizyjny

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a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to



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a story told through a series of moving pictures with sound, usually watched via television or in a cinema

film, kino

film, kino

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the process of doing something, often requiring effort, with a specific purpose or goal in mind

akcja, działanie

akcja, działanie

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(of a device) having very small parts such as chips and obtaining power from electricity

elektroniczny, elektryczny

elektroniczny, elektryczny

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game show

a television or radio program where people compete against each other to win prizes

teleturniej, gra telewizyjna

teleturniej, gra telewizyjna

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a kind of story, movie, etc. intended to scare people

horror, film grozy

horror, film grozy

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any theatrical performance that combines singing, dancing, and acting to tell a story

musical, spektakl muzyczny

musical, spektakl muzyczny

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a genre of African-American music with a rhythmic speech

rap, gatunek rap

rap, gatunek rap

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reality show

a type of TV show where people are filmed going about their daily lives or doing challenges in order to entertain the audience

program typu reality, reality show

program typu reality, reality show

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a genre of music that originated in Jamaica, characterized by a steady rhythm, offbeat accents, and lyrics often addressing social and political themes

reggae, muzyka reggae

reggae, muzyka reggae

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salsa music

a Latin American dance music that is influenced by jazz, R&B and rock

muzyka salsa, salsa

muzyka salsa, salsa

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science fiction

books, movies, etc. about imaginary things based on science

fantastyka naukowa

fantastyka naukowa

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soap opera

a TV or radio show, broadcast regularly, dealing with the routine life of a group of people and their problems

opera mydlana, serial telewizyjny

opera mydlana, serial telewizyjny

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talk show

a type of TV or radio program on which famous people appear as guests to answer questions about themselves or other subjects

talk-show, program dyskusyjny

talk-show, program dyskusyjny

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to wait

to not leave until a person or thing is ready or present or something happens

czekać, oczekiwać

czekać, oczekiwać

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a public performance by musicians or singers

koncert, występ

koncert, występ

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a musical instrument that we play by holding it under our chin and moving a bow across its strings



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a group of people or things that have similar characteristics or share particular qualities

rodzaj, typ

rodzaj, typ

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to like

to feel that someone or something is good, enjoyable, or interesting

lubić, podobać się

lubić, podobać się

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to do

to perform an action that is not mentioned by name

robić, wykonywać

robić, wykonywać

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(objective first-person singular pronoun) used by the speaker to refer to themselves when they are the object of a sentence

mnie, do mnie

mnie, do mnie

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(second-person pronoun) used for referring to the one or the people we are writing or talking to

ty, pan

ty, pan

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(objective third-person singular pronoun) used when referring to a male human or animal as the object of a sentence

go, mu

go, mu

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(objective third-person singular pronoun) used when referring to a female human or animal that is the object of a sentence

ją, ona

ją, ona

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(objective third-person singular pronoun) used when referring to something or an animal of unknown sex as the object of a sentence

to, ono

to, ono

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(objective first-person plural pronoun) used by the speaker to refer to themselves and at least one other person when they are the object of a sentence

nas, nam

nas, nam

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(objective third-person plural pronoun) used when referring to the aforementioned things or people that are the object of a sentence



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a piece of paper or card that shows you can do or get something, like ride on a bus or attend an event

bilet, kwit

bilet, kwit

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the main meal of the day that we usually eat in the evening

obiad, kolacja

obiad, kolacja

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used to show uncertainty or hesitation

może, prawdopodobnie

może, prawdopodobnie

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to sound

to convey or make a specific impression when read about or when heard

brzmieć, wydawać się

brzmieć, wydawać się

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used to express a tendency or desire

by, chciałby

by, chciałby

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to want

to wish to do or have something



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to need

to want something or someone that we must have if we want to do or be something

potrzebować, wymagać

potrzebować, wymagać

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to work

to do certain physical or mental activities in order to achieve a result or as a part of our job

pracować, działać

pracować, działać

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to save

to keep someone or something safe and away from harm, death, etc.

uratować, ochronić

uratować, ochronić

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rock music

a genre of popular music, with a strong beat played on electric guitars and drums, evolved from rock and roll and pop music

muzyka rockowa, rock

muzyka rockowa, rock

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pop music

popular music, especially with young people, consisting a strong rhythm and simple tunes

muzyka pop, muzyka popularna

muzyka pop, muzyka popularna

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