
Cechy i Jakości Ludzkie - Odwaga i tchórzostwo

Opanuj angielskie przysłowia dotyczące odwagi i tchórzostwa, takie jak „bez odwagi, bez chwały” i „sumienie czyni z nas wszystkich tchórzy”.







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Human Traits & Qualities
better to live one day as a tiger than a thousand years as a sheep

used to say that it is better to live a short but meaningful life, filled with courage and boldness, rather than living a long but unremarkable life that lacks purpose or ambition

lepiej żyć jeden dzień jako tygrys niż tysiąc lat jako owca

lepiej żyć jeden dzień jako tygrys niż tysiąc lat jako owca

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cowards die many times before their death

used to imply that confronting challenges with bravery is better than letting fear hold us back and suffer the consequences of inaction, as it may cause emotional suffering similar to death

no guts, no glory

used to emphasize the importance of taking action and being willing to take risks in order to achieve great things in life

bez odwagi nie ma chwały

bez odwagi nie ma chwały

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a bully is always a coward

used to imply that bullies use intimidation to make up for their own feelings of weakness or vulnerability

tyran jest zawsze tchórzem

tyran jest zawsze tchórzem

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a man of courage never wants weapons

used to imply that a courageous person will rely on their inner strength and moral character to face challenges, rather than resorting to violence or intimidation

boldly go where no man has gone before

used to imply the importance of embracing the unknown, taking risks, and pushing beyond the boundaries of what is currently known or accepted in order to achieve great things

odważnie idźcie tam, gdzie nie dotarł jeszcze żaden człowiek

odważnie idźcie tam, gdzie nie dotarł jeszcze żaden człowiek

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conscience makes cowards of us all

used to say that people's sense of right and wrong can make them hesitant or afraid to take action, even if it is necessary or beneficial

eagles fly alone, but sheep flock together

used to suggest that individuals with exceptional or unique abilities may stand out from the crowd and be isolated, while those who lack such qualities tend to seek safety in groups

orły latają samotnie, ale owce gromadzą się razem

orły latają samotnie, ale owce gromadzą się razem

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faint heart never won fair lady

used to suggest that a person who lacks courage or is too timid will never be able to win the affection of the person they desire, and that boldness and perseverance are necessary traits for success in romantic pursuits

słabe serce nigdy nie zwyciężyło, piękna damo

słabe serce nigdy nie zwyciężyło, piękna damo

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he that stays in the valley will not get over the hill

used to suggest that progress and growth require taking some degree of risk and making an effort to move beyond one's current situation

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