Przymiotniki Abstrakcyjnych Cech Ludzkich - Przymiotniki neutralnych cech osobistych
Przymiotniki neutralnej cechy osobistej opisują cechy, które nie są z natury ani pozytywne, ani negatywne, takie jak „powściągliwy”, „nieśmiały”, „optymistyczny” itp.
careful to not spend money in an unnecessary or wasteful way
oszczędny, frugalny
interested in learning and knowing about things
ciekawy, ciekawa
playfully odd or amusingly unconventional in behavior or appearance
dziwaczny, zabawny
brave enough to take risks and do dangerous things
odważny, zuchwały
brave and confident, with the ability to take risks
odważny, śmiały
reckless and willing to do dangerous things
ryzykowny, brawurowy
cheerful and full of fun, enjoying activities that are light-hearted and amusing
zabawny, figlarny
not caring about the possible results of one's actions that could be dangerous
bezkompromisowy, lekkomyślny
having a hopeful and positive outlook on life, expecting good things to happen
behaving in a manner that is considered strange and unconventional
ekstrawagancki, dziwaczny
(of people) easily affected by or tend to express strong feelings and emotions
emocjonalny, wrażliwy
having doubts about something's truth, validity, or reliability
(of a person) careful to avoid danger or mistakes
ostrożny, przezorny
trying or wishing to gain great success, power, or wealth
ambitny, ambitna
(of a person) eager to try new ideas, exciting things, and take risks
adventurowy, odważny
able to change and adjust to different conditions and circumstances
adaptacyjny, elastyczny
very good at or quick in noticing small details in someone or something
spostrzegawczy, uważny
taking a practical and realistic approach to things rather than theoretical and idealistic approaches
reluctant to share feelings or problems
zarezerwowany, wstrzemięźliwy
displaying minimal emotional expression or engagement