Akademicki IELTS (Pasmo 6-7) - Ruchy
Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych z ruchami, które są niezbędne do egzaminu Academic IELTS.
to move to a new position by raising one's foot and then putting it down in a different spot

kroczyć, zrobić krok

to move quietly and stealthily, often with the intention of avoiding detection or being unnoticed

skradać się, podsłuchiwać

to move slowly and quietly while staying close to the ground or other surface

pełzać, wślizgnąć się

to walk slowly and carefully on one's toes

chodzić na palcach, poruszać się na palcach

to take a long walk in the countryside or mountains for exercise or pleasure

wędrować, chodzić po górach

to go for a long walk or journey, particularly in the mountains, forests, etc. as an adventure

wędrować, spacerować

to run very fast for a short distance, typically as a form of exercise

sprintować, biegać szybko

to leap or spring over an obstacle with the aid of hands or a pole

przeskoczyć, skoczyć

to suddenly move or cause someone or something move downward, forward, or into something

zanurzyć się, spadać

to perform a backward somersault, typically in the air

wykonać salto w tył, zrobić salto w tył

to move or flap rapidly and lightly, typically referring to the motion of wings, leaves, or other flexible objects

błyskać, powiewać

to move or make something move from one side to another while suspended

huśtać, kołysać

to run or move quickly and suddenly, often with great force or urgency

biec, szybko biegać

to move quickly and with small, rapid steps, often in a hurried or nervous manner

pędzić, skakać

to go from one place to another with no specific destination or purpose in mind

błąkać się, wędrować

to lower the head or body quickly as a gesture of avoidance or to avoid being hit

pochylić się, uniknąć

to accidentally hit something with one's foot and almost fall

potknąć się, przewrócić