Lista de Palavras Nível C1 - Travel
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre viagens, como “layover”, “upgrade”, “expedition”, etc., preparadas para alunos C1.
including everyone or everything, particularly for a single price

tudo incluído, inclusivo

the time of year during which people travel a lot and prices are very high

alta temporada, temporada de pico

the time of year during which there is not much travel or business

baixa temporada, temporada baixa

extremely comfortable, elegant, and often made with high-quality materials or features

luxuoso, opulento

an arrangement to live as a foreign vacationer or student in someone's home

homestay, estadia em casa de família

a vacation that one spends at or near one's home instead of traveling somewhere

staycation, férias em casa

a trip that has been organized for a particular purpose such as a scientific or military one or for exploration

expedição, missão

a plan of the route and the places that one will visit on a journey

itinerário, plano de viagem

the lowest class of accommodations offered in a hotel, on a plane or ship

classe econômica, classe turística

to provide someone with a better seat on an airplane or a better room in a hotel than the one for which they have paid

atualizar, melhorar

traveling over a long distance, particularly when it involves transporting passengers or goods

de longa distância, de longo percurso

a place where lost things are stored until their owners come and collect them

departamento de objetos perdidos, espaço de achados e perdidos

pain and redness of the skin caused by overexposure to the sun

queimadura de sol, queimadura solar

the darkened or brown color of a person's skin that is caused by spending much time in the sun

bronzeado, tão

(of a person or a person's skin) to become darkened or brown as a result of exposure to the sun

bronzeado, torrado

to go somewhere, particularly frequently or in large numbers

recorrer a, refugiar-se em

intended for, visited by, or attractive to tourists, in a way that one does not like it

turístico, demasiado turístico

(in a hotel, etc.) a room with two single beds

quarto twin, quarto com camas individuais

easy to remember or worth remembering, particularly because of being different or special

memorável, inesquecível

used for wishing a person good luck, particularly when they want to travel somewhere

Boa viagem!, Que Deus te abençoe!