Livro English File - Pré-intermediário - Lição 1B
Aqui você encontrará o vocabulário da Lição 1B do livro do curso Pré-Intermediário do Arquivo de Inglês, como "encaracolado", "gentil", "extrovertido", etc.
(of a person) having a height that is greater than what is thought to be the average height
alto, elevado
having a size that is not too big or too small, but rather in the middle
médio, de tamanho médio
weighing more than what is considered healthy or desirable for one's body size and build
acima do peso, com sobrepeso
able to think quickly and find solutions to problems
inteligente, esperto
having a willingness to freely give or share something with others, without expecting anything in return
generoso, generosa
avoiding work or activity and preferring to do as little as possible
preguiçoso, lento
(psychology) a person that is preoccupied with external things and prefers social situations
extrovertido, extrovertida
(of a person) putting in a lot of effort and dedication to achieve goals or complete tasks
trabalhador, diligente
not having common sense or the ability to understand or learn as fast as others
estúpido, bobo
hair that grows or left to grow above the upper lip
bigode, cavanhaque