Książka English File - Średnio zaawansowany niższy - Lekcja 1B
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z lekcji 1B z podręcznika English File Pre-Intermediate, takie jak „curly”, „kind”, „extravert” itp.
someone with hair that is light or pale yellow or gold in color
(of a person) having a height that is greater than what is thought to be the average height
wysoki, długi
having opposite sides or surfaces that are close together
cienki, wąski
having a size that is not too big or too small, but rather in the middle
średni, o średniej wielkości
weighing more than what is considered healthy or desirable for one's body size and build
nadwaga, z nadwagą
able to think quickly and find solutions to problems
sprytny, mądry
having a willingness to freely give or share something with others, without expecting anything in return
hojny, szlachetny
friendly, nice, and caring toward other people's feelings
życzliwy, uprzejmy
avoiding work or activity and preferring to do as little as possible
leniwym, opóźniony
(psychology) a person that is preoccupied with external things and prefers social situations
ekstrawertyk, ekstrawertyczka
(of a person) putting in a lot of effort and dedication to achieve goals or complete tasks
pracowity, usilny
(of a person) behaving in a way that is unkind or cruel
zły, okrutny
not having common sense or the ability to understand or learn as fast as others
głupi, tępy
not kind or nice toward other people
nieczuły, antagonistyczny
not friendly, considerate, or showing mercy to others
nieprzyjazny, brutalny