Livro Insight - Intermediário - Visão do vocabulário 4
Aqui você encontrará as palavras do Vocabulary Insight 4 no livro do curso Insight Intermediate, como "contaminar", "sobrecarga", "devastar", etc.
(of a space or area) filled with too many people or things, causing discomfort or lack of space

superlotado, aflito

spanning to both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, typically between Europe and North America


a small passenger-carrying vehicle that is larger than a typical car but smaller than a full-sized bus

minibús, micro-ônibus

a vehicle with three wheels that is typically ridden by children and has pedals and handlebars for steering

triciclo, trike

the part of a scene, photograph, etc. that is closest to the observer

primeiro plano, foreground

to make a place, substance, etc. dirty or harmful by adding dangerous material

contaminar, poluir

relating to a particular nation or country, including its people, culture, government, and interests

nacional, patriótico