Adjetivos de Valor e Significado - Adjetivos de Essencialidade
Esses adjetivos descrevem a natureza necessária ou indispensável de algo, transmitindo atributos como “essencial”, “crucial”, “vital”, etc.
absolutely necessary or crucial, to the point that being replaced or substituted is not possible
indispensável, essencial
essential and cannot be avoided, as it must exist, happen, or be accomplished
necessário, indispensável
very necessary for a particular purpose or situation
essencial, indispensável
extremely important or essential, often having a significant impact on the outcome of a situation
crucial, essencial
considered a necessary and important part of something
integral, essencial
related to the core and most important or basic parts of something
fundamental, essencial
having great importance and requiring immediate attention or action
imperativo, urgente
useful to each other or enhancing each other's qualities when brought together
complementar, suplementar
signifying a matter of deep concern, seriousness, or importance
grave, sério
requiring immediate attention due to something's urgency or importance
urgente, premente
required or necessary as a result of a rule or law
obrigatório, necessário
forming the basis or essential framework of something
fundamental, básico
essential or central to the foundation or structure of a concept or system
essencial, fundamental