
Lista de cuvinte de nivel A1 - Verbe utile

Aici veți învăța câteva verbe engleze utile, cum ar fi „auzi”, „ascultă” și „vezi”, pregătite pentru cursanții A1.




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CEFR A1 Vocabulary
to hear

to notice the sound a person or thing is making

to listen

to give our attention to the sound a person or thing is making

ascultând pe cineva sau ceva

ascultând pe cineva sau ceva

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to see

to notice a thing or person with our eyes



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to look

to turn our eyes toward a person or thing that we want to see



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to watch

to look at a thing or person and pay attention to it for some time

privind pe cineva sau ceva

privind pe cineva sau ceva

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to touch

to put our hand or body part on a thing or person

atinge pe cineva sau ceva

atinge pe cineva sau ceva

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to feel

to experience a particular emotion

simțind ceva

simțind ceva

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to talk

to tell someone about the feelings or ideas that we have

vorbesc despre ceva

vorbesc despre ceva

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to call

to telephone a place or person

telefonând cuiva sau undeva

telefonând cuiva sau undeva

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to like

to feel that someone or something is good, enjoyable, or interesting

to love

to have very strong feelings for someone or something that is important to us and we like a lot and want to take care of

iubind pe cineva sau ceva

iubind pe cineva sau ceva

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to hate

to really not like something or someone

urând pe cineva sau ceva

urând pe cineva sau ceva

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to know

to have some information about something

stiind ceva

stiind ceva

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to learn

to become knowledgeable or skilled in something by doing it, studying, or being taught

to ask

to use words in a question form or tone to get answers from someone

to study

to spend time to learn about certain subjects by reading books, going to school, etc.

studiind ceva

studiind ceva

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to teach

to give lessons to students in a university, college, school, etc.

invata ceva

invata ceva

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to need

to want something or someone that we must have if we want to do or be something

având nevoie de cineva sau de ceva

având nevoie de cineva sau de ceva

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to want

to wish to do or have something



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to share

to possess or use something with someone else at the same time

împărtășind ceva cu ceilalți

împărtășind ceva cu ceilalți

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to put

to move something or someone from one place or position to another



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to prepare

to make a person or thing ready for doing something

to plan

to decide on the details of a future activity or event

făcând planuri

făcând planuri

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to explain

to make something clear and easy to understand by giving more information about it

explicând ceva

explicând ceva

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to fill

to make something full

umplend ceva

umplend ceva

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to fly

to move or travel through the air

zburând prin aer

zburând prin aer

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to get

to experience a specific condition, state, or action



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to become

to start or grow to be

schimbându-se în ceva diferit

schimbându-se în ceva diferit

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