Cartea Top Notch 1A - Unitatea 1 - Lecția 3
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 1 - Lecția 3 din manualul de curs Top Notch 1A, cum ar fi „personal”, „țară”, „oraș natal”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
the town or city where a person grew up or was born

oraș natal, localitate natală

a piece of land with a government of its own, official borders, laws, etc.

țară, națiune

the second largest country in the world that is in the northern part of North America


a country that is in the southern part of South America

Argentina, Republica Argentina

a country that is mainly in Western Asia with a small part in Southeast Europe


relating to the country, people, culture, or language of Argentina

argentinian, argentiniană

relating to the country, people, or culture of the United Kingdom

britanic, britanic (referitor la cultură)