Cartea Top Notch Fundamentals B - Unitatea 8 - Lecția 2
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 8 - Lecția 2 din manualul de curs Top Notch Fundamentals B, cum ar fi „dulapul”, „la etaj”, „cameră”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
the thing we move to enter, exit, or access a place such as a vehicle, building, room, etc.
a small space or room built into a wall, which is used to store things and is usually shelved
the part of a house where people spend time together talking, watching television, relaxing, etc.
a space in a wall or vehicle that is made of glass and we use to look outside or get some fresh air
a space in a building with walls, a floor, and a ceiling where people do different activities
on or toward a lower part of a building, particularly the first floor
a room that has a toilet and a sink, and often times a bathtub or a shower as well