Cartea English Result - Pre-intermediar - Unitatea 3 - 3A
Aici veți găsi vocabularul de la Unitatea 3 - 3A din manualul de curs Pre-Intermediate Rezultat de engleză, precum „daredevil”, „wave”, „surfing”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
an exciting or unusual experience, often involving risk or physical activity

aventură, experiență

a physical activity or competitive game with specific rules that people do for fun or as a profession

sport, joc

to ride on the surface of water by a pair of skies that are pulled by a motorboat

a schia pe apă, a practica schiul pe apă

a winter sport or activity in which the participant stands on a board and glides over snow, typically on a mountainside

snowboarding, plăci de zăpadă

the activity or sport of sailing on water by standing on a special board with a sail attached to it

windsurfing, surfing cu vela

the sport or activity of moving around quickly on skates

patinaj, patinaj cu role

the activity or sport of going upwards toward the top of a mountain or rock

escaladă, alpinism

the sport or activity of climbing frozen waterfalls, ice-covered rock faces, or glaciers using specialized equipment like ice axes and crampons

alpinism pe gheață, escaladă pe gheață

the activity or sport of jumping into water from a diving board, with the head and arms first

sărituri în apă

the act or sport of swimming underwater, using special equipment such as an oxygen tank, etc.

scufundare, scufundări cu aparat de respirat

the activity or sport in which individuals jump from a flying aircraft and do special moves while falling before opening their parachute at a specified distance to land on the ground

parachutism, sărituri cu parașuta

a solid material forming part of the earth's surface, often made of one or more minerals

stâncă, piatră

a public path for vehicles in a village, town, or city, usually with buildings, houses, etc. on its sides

stradă, cale

either of a pair of long thin objects worn on our feet to make us move faster over the snow


a flat and hard tool made of wood, plastic, paper, etc. that is designed for specific purposes

tablă, placă