Animale - Mamifere acvatice
Aici veți afla numele mamiferelor acvatice în engleză, cum ar fi „orca”, „delfin” și „marsuin”.
Fișe de studiu
a large marine mammal known for its impressive size, unique appearance, and remarkable diving ability

elefantul marin, foca-elefant

an enormous marine mammal that is found in every ocean of the world and is considered to be the largest living animal

balena albastră

a group of large marine mammals that filter feed on small fish and krill, characterized by their baleen plates in their mouths, rather than teeth

baleen balenă, balene cu filtru

a large marine mammal known for its distinctive appearance, acrobatic behavior, and complex songs

balaur cu cocoașă, balena cu cocoașă

a large, black-and-white marine mammal known for its social behavior, intelligence, and adaptability, found in oceans worldwide and known as an apex predator

orca, balena ucigașă

a small toothed whale that turns white as it matures and is mainly found in Arctic waters

balena albă

an intelligent sea mammal that looks like a whale and has a long snout and teeth


a large, streamlined baleen whale known for its speed, agility, and distinctive chevron pattern, and is the second largest animal on Earth

baleină cu aripe, finback

a small baleen whale that is known for its sleek body, pointed head, and distinctive white band on each flipper

balena minke, balena cu cap ascuțit

a marine mammal that feeds on vegetables, found in warm coastal waters of Indian and Pacific Oceans


a large aquatic mammal found in coastal regions, rivers, and lakes of sub-Saharan Africa, known for their gentle nature and herbivorous diet

manatul african, vaca de mare africană

a group of marine mammals including seals, sea lions, and walruses known for their streamlined bodies, flipper-like limbs, and ability to thrive in both water and on land

pinniped, mamifer marin cu aripi

a type of pinniped that belongs to the family Otariidae, known for their dense fur coats, streamlined bodies, and ability to both swim and move on land using their flippers

foca cu blană, foca otariidae

a critically endangered species of porpoise found in the Gulf of California, known for its small size, elusive nature, and the severe threat of extinction


a species of toothed whale known for their large size, distinctive appearance, and social behavior

balena pilot

a large baleen whale species known for its distinct appearance, long migrations, unique feeding behavior, and friendly interactions with humans

balena gri, baleina gri

a group of elusive and mysterious cetaceans known for their distinct beak-like snouts, deep-diving abilities

baleină cu cioc, cetaceu cu cioc

a marine mammal known for its distinctive appearance, with a silvery-gray coat and black spots arranged in a "harp" shape on its back

focă harpă, focă groenlandeză

a marine mammal found in coastal regions of the Northern Hemisphere, known for its sleek body, spotted coat, and playful behavior in the water

foca de port, foca obișnuită

a group of marine mammals that lack external ear flaps and have shorter front flippers than hind flippers. They typically inhabit cold waters in the Arctic, Antarctic, and other regions.

foca călugăr

a marine mammal that belongs to the group known as Cetacea, which comprises whales, dolphins, and porpoises

cetaceu, mamifere marine

a large marine mammal known for its immense size, distinctive square-shaped head

balenă cu spumă, spermă balenă

an Arctic whale species characterized by the long, spiraled tusk protruding from its upper jaw
