behaving in a manner that is considered strange and unconventional

excentrisk, ovanlig

a behavior that is considered abnormal and uncommon

excentricitet, kuriositet

the quality of being easily deceived and convinced to believe or do what others want

lättrogna, naivitet

believing things very easily and being easily tricked because of it

naiv, lättlurad

(of places or situations) lacking in activity, growth, or development and not suitable to live in

öde, karg

a legal professional who is qualified and licensed to advocate on the behalf of clients in both lower and higher courts, primarily in Britain

advokat, jurist

something that is used to measure a particular condition or value

indikator, tecken

the action of deliberately making something complicated and hard to understand

obfuskering, förvirring

skillful in achieving what one desires, especially through deceptive means

listig, slug

to terminate an undesired pregnancy before the fetus reaches a viable age

abortera, avbryta