Boken Summit 2A - Enhet 3 – Lektion 1
Här hittar du vokabulären från enhet 3 - Lektion 1 i Summit 2A-kursboken, såsom "empati", "gå ner", "avskräcka" osv.
to express
to show or make a thought, feeling, etc. known by looks, words, or actions

uttrycka, visa

the feeling of being impatient, annoyed, or upset because of being unable to do or achieve what is desired

frustration, besvikelse

something that is told or given to someone in order to give them hope or provide support

uppmuntran, stöd

fed up
feeling tired, annoyed, or frustrated with a situation or person

trött på, frustrerad

to have had it (up to here) with somebody or something
to not have the tolerance to endure more of something

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