Boken Solutions - Förberedande nivå - Enhet 1 - 1G
Här hittar du vokabulären från Unit 1 - 1G i Solutions Pre-Intermediate-kursboken, såsom "reagera", "intresse", "upprörande" osv.
used when naming, or giving description or information about people, things, or situations

vara, befinna sig

to become knowledgeable or skilled in something by doing it, studying, or being taught

lära sig, erhålla kunskaper

to have very strong feelings for someone or something that is important to us and we like a lot and want to take care of

älska, tycka om

the desire to find out or learn more about a person or thing

intresse, nyfikenhet

making us feel tired and unsatisfied because of not being interesting

tråkig, utmattande

causing feelings of disappointment or annoyance by stopping someone from achieving their desires or goals

frustrerande, irriterande