Allmän Träning IELTS (Band 6-7) - Vänskap och fiendskap
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till vänskap och fiendskap som är nödvändiga för IELTS-provet för allmän utbildning.
someone we write friendly letters to, especially a person in a foreign country who we have never met

penvän, brevkompis

a person with whom one shares personal matters or secrets trustingly

betrodda, vän

a companion or fellow member, often used to describe someone with shared goals or beliefs, especially in political or military contexts

kamrat, medarbetare

a feeling of mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together

kamratskap, broderlighet

a person who supports and assists another, especially in social situations or in pursuing romantic relationships

kompis, stödjare

a group of people with a shared characteristic, often studied or observed over a period of time


the state of sticking together or the unity of elements within a whole

kohesion, enhet

a disagreement or argument, often involving conflicting opinions or interests

tvist, otydlig

a deep feeling of anger and dislike toward someone because of what they did in the past

hämnd, oförrätt

a person or group that is hostile and ready to fight or argue

belligern, angripare

the feeling of being disconnected or isolated from a group, activity, or one's own sense of self

främlingskap, avskildhet

a state of heated disagreement, often coming from different viewpoints or interests

tvedräkt, konflikt

a feeling of hatred and a desire to harm others, especially because of unjust treatment received

ogillande, hat

a situation of hostility or strong disagreement between two opposing individuals, parties, or groups

konfrontation, konflikt