Adverb av Tid och Plats - Adverb av frekvens
Adverb av frekvens är en klass av adverb som ger information om hur ofta en handling eller händelse inträffar, till exempel "dagligen", "månadsvis", "ofta" etc.
regularly and with short time in between
regularly and with short time in between
in a regular or habitual manner, often following a fixed procedure or schedule
in a regular or habitual manner, often following a fixed procedure or schedule
in a way that occurs occasionally or infrequently
in a way that occurs occasionally or infrequently
in a way that happens every day or once a day
in a way that happens every day or once a day
in a way than happens once every month
in a way than happens once every month
in a way that happens once every year
in a way that happens once every year
regularly and continuously with little or no interruption, exception, or pause
regularly and continuously with little or no interruption, exception, or pause
in most situations or under normal circumstances
in most situations or under normal circumstances
under regular or usual circumstances
under regular or usual circumstances