Allmän Träning IELTS (Band 6-7) - Unikhet
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till Uniqueness som är nödvändiga för General Training IELTS-examen.
showing a unique and exceptional quality that is unparalleled or without equal

oöverträffad, oförlikbar

not capable of being matched in quality, value, or degree with something else

oöverträffad, oförliknelig

possessing a quality that is noticeable and different

distinktiv, karaktäristisk

incapable of being compared to others of its kind because its far better than any other

oöverträffad, outstanding

limited or available to only a specific group, individual, or category

exklusiv, utvald

particularly noticeable or remarkable in comparison to others

utmärkt, anmärkningsvärd

not capable of being replicated or reproduced due to uniqueness

oåterkallelig, unik

impossible to be substituted or replaced due to uniqueness

ersättningsbar, unik

having no equal or equivalent in quality, skill, or excellence

oöverträffad, utan like

behaving in a manner that is considered strange and unconventional

excentrisk, ovanlig

not following typical or commonly accepted practices or norms

okonventionell, atypisk

unusual or deviating from what is considered conventional or expected

konstig, ovanlig

exciting or beautiful because of having qualities that are very unusual or different

exotisk, ovanlig

deviating from the established standard or norm

icke standard, icke konventionell

happening or done from time to time, without a consistent pattern

tillfällig, ibland

(of actions, ideas, etc.) very new and different from the norm

radikal, revolutionär

characterized by being at the forefront of new developments or leading the way in innovation and exploration

banbrytande, innovativ