Allmän Träning IELTS (Band 6-7) - Komplexitet
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till komplexitet som är nödvändiga för den allmänna utbildningen IELTS-examen.
having many complex parts or details that make it difficult to understand or work with

intrikat, komplex

(of clothes and fabrics) having a design that is very detailed and complicated

utvecklad, komplex

(of a system, device, or technique) intricately developed to a high level of complexity

sofistikerad, komplex

causing confusion or bewilderment due to being difficult to understand or explain

förvirrande, förbryllande

presenting difficulties or concerns, often requiring careful consideration or attention

problematiskt, komplikerat

causing confusion or making something difficult to explain or understand

mystifierande, förvirrande

(of a machine, piece of equipment, etc.) easy to use or understand by ordinary people

användarvänlig, lättanvänd

straightforward, simple, and easily understood without any confusion or complexity

tydlig, enkel

not causing trouble or difficulties and being easy to deal with

problemenfri, lätt att hantera

(of a person) avoiding participation or engagement in a situation or activity

oinvolverad, likgiltig