Pronomen och Determinativer - Alternativa obestämda pronomen och bestämningsfaktorer
Dessa former erbjuder ett val mellan två eller flera alternativ och signalerar alternativen i meningen.
used to refer to additional or different people or things apart from those already mentioned or understood
andra, övriga
used to refer to the second of two people or things that have been mentioned or are being compared
den andra, det andra
used to refer to an additional person or thing of the same type or kind as one already mentioned or implied
en annan, ytterligare en
used to indicate one of two people or things, usually in the context of a choice between the two
den ena, den andra
one or the other of two things or people, no matter which
eller, någon av dem
one more of the same kind of object or living thing
en annan, ytterligare en
used to refer to additional people or things beyond those already mentioned or under discussion
annan, den andra