Pronomen och bestämningsfaktorer - Personliga reflexiva och reciproka pronomen
Reflexiver används när subjektet och föremålet för meningen är samma. Reciproka används när objektet och subjektet agerar ömsesidigt på varandra.
used when the subject and object of the sentence are the same, indicating that the action is done to oneself
mig själv
used when a person who is addressed is both the one who does an action and the one who receives the action
dig själv
used when both the subject and object of the sentence or clause refer to a male human or animal who is being talked about
han själv
used when a female human or animal is both the one who does an action and the one who is affected by the action
sig själv
used when an animal or object is both the thing that does an action and the thing that the action is done to
sig själv
used when the speaker and one or more other people are both the ones who do an action and the ones who are affected by it
oss själva
used when a group of people who are being addressed are both the ones who do an action and the ones that are affected by it
er själva
used when a group of people or animals are both the ones who do an action and the ones who are affected by it
sig själva
used to refer back to the subject of a sentence or clause to show that the action performed by the subject affects the subject itself
sig själv
used to refer to two or more people or things when they are doing something mutually or reciprocally
used to refer to the reciprocal relationship or action between multiple people or things