Grundläggande 2 - Yrken
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord om yrken, som "expert", "manager" och "målare", förberedda för elever på grundnivå.
an individual with a great amount of knowledge, skill, or training in a particular field

expert, specialist

someone who is in charge of running a business or managing part or all of a company or organization

chef, förvaltare

a person who greets and deals with people arriving at or calling a hotel, office building, doctor's office, etc.


a woman who does business activities like running a company or participating in trade

affärskvinna, kvinnlig företagare

someone who prepares news to be broadcast or writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites


someone whose job is to clean other people’s houses, offices, etc.

städare, rengörare