Kitap Total English - Orta Üstü - Ünite 1 - Ders 1
Burada Total English Upper-Intermediate ders kitabındaki Ünite 1 - Ders 1'deki "tumble", "small talk", "mumble" vb. kelimeleri bulacaksınız.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to gossip
to talk about the private lives of others with someone, often sharing secrets or spreading untrue information

dedikodu yapmak
small talk
brief and polite conversation about random subjects, often in a social setting

a comment on a person's looks, behavior, achievements, etc. that expresses one's admiration or praise for them

to boast
to talk with excessive pride about one's achievements, abilities, etc. in order to draw the attention of others

caka satmak
to mumble
to speak in a low or unclear voice, often so that the words are difficult to understand

ağzında gevelemek

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