Kitap Total English - Orta Üstü - Ünite 3 - Referans
Burada Toplam İngilizce Orta Üstü ders kitabındaki Ünite 3 - Referans'taki "while", "trendy", "rough" vb. kelimeleri bulacaksınız.
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old and often considered valuable due to its age, craftsmanship, or historical significance

belonging to or following the methods or thoughts that are old as opposed to new or different ones

no longer used, supported, etc. by the general public, typically belonging to an earlier period in history

following the latest or the most popular styles and trends in a specific period

used to express that something happens continuously from the beginning to the end of a period of time

boyunca, sürece
used to show that something continues or lasts up to a specific point in time and often not happening or existing after that time

kadar, dek
to begin to be in charge of something, often previously managed by someone else

to assume without question that something is true

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