Kitap Total English - İleri - Ünite 5 - Referans - Bölüm 2
Burada Toplam İngilizce İleri Düzey ders kitabındaki Ünite 5 - Referans - Bölüm 2'deki "avuç dolusu", "borç", "özerklik" vb. kelimeleri bulacaksınız.
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the likelihood or possibility of something becoming successful in the future
the right to act, say, or think as one desires without being stopped, controlled, or restricted
(of a country, region, etc.) the state of being independent and free from external control
a retirement savings plan in which an employer or organization contributes money on behalf of its employees, to be used to provide income to those employees during their retirement years
emeklilik planı
the state of being helpful or useful for a specific situation
used to indicate that something is generally true or applies in the majority of cases
to be very expensive or require a lot of money to purchase
bir servete mal olmak
having enough money to cover one's expenses and maintain a desirable lifestyle
ensesi kalın
to give someone a gift or provide them with entertainment as a gesture of kindness
to be capable of living or doing something using the available resources, knowledge, money, etc.
experiencing financial difficulties, often lacking money to cover basic expenses
to spend a lot of money on fancy or unnecessary things
gösteriş amacıyla para harcamak
having little or no money, often due to having spent all of it or experiencing financial difficulties
to be extremely valuable, usually in terms of money
bir servet değerinde olmak