
Sonuç ve Etki - Etkililik

"Aynı sokağın köpekleri aynı şekilde havlar" ve "alay etmek yakalayıcıdır" gibi sözlerle etkililikle ilgili İngilizce atasözlerini keşfedin.


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Öğrenmeye başla
Outcome & Impact
the caribou feeds the wolf but it is the wolf that keeps the caribou strong

used to suggest that, just as the caribou is kept strong by the presence of the wolf, individuals can be strengthened by overcoming obstacles or difficulties

ormanın kuşları ormanın kurallarını bilir

ormanın kuşları ormanın kurallarını bilir

dogs of the same street bark alike

used to imply that people who share common backgrounds, experiences, or interests tend to have similar opinions, behaviors, or characteristics

birbirini bilen bilir,  birbirini bilmeyen kendi bilir

birbirini bilen bilir, birbirini bilmeyen kendi bilir

the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world

used to suggest that caregivers have a significant influence on the development, attitudes, and behaviors of children, and that this influence can shape the future of society

beşiği sallayan el dünyaya hükmeder

beşiği sallayan el dünyaya hükmeder

laugh and the (whole) world laughs with you (; weep and you weep alone)

used to emphasize that through their laughter, individuals can influence the mood and reactions of those around them

gül ki,  bütün dünya seninle birlikte gülsün

gül ki, bütün dünya seninle birlikte gülsün

like breeds like

used to suggest that people tend to adopt similar beliefs, characteristics, and behaviors to those with whom they spend the most time

armut dibine düşer

armut dibine düşer

like master, like man

used to suggest that the behavior and attitudes of a leader or authority figure are reflected in their subordinates or followers

like people, like priest

used to imply that the attitudes and behaviors of a group of people are reflected in those who represent them, and that individuals tend to choose leaders who share their values and beliefs

iyi din adamı iyi toplum yapar

iyi din adamı iyi toplum yapar

mocking is catching

used to emphasize that negative behavior or attitudes can be contagious and spread from one person to another, creating a cycle of negative behavior

kötü davranışlar bulaşıcıdır

kötü davranışlar bulaşıcıdır

the pen is mightier than (the) sword

used to suggest that words can be a powerful tool for influencing people's thoughts and actions, and can be more effective than physical force in bringing about change

kalem kılıçtan keskindir

kalem kılıçtan keskindir

money makes the world go round

used to suggest that money is the driving force behind many of the world's activities and events, and that financial gain is often prioritized over other important values

para her kapıyı açar

para her kapıyı açar

kissing goes by favor

used to suggest that personal feelings and relationships can play a significant role in how people choose to show their affection, support, or favor

sevilmek için sevilmeli

sevilmek için sevilmeli

an ant may (well) destroy a whole dam

used to imply that even small or seemingly insignificant things can have a significant impact or cause great harm when they accumulate or are left unchecked

önemsizken çözülmeyen bir problem ileride büyük felaketlere yol açabilir

önemsizken çözülmeyen bir problem ileride büyük felaketlere yol açabilir

praise makes good men better and bad men worse

used to suggest that praise can encourage virtuous behavior in good people and reinforce negative behavior in bad people

abartılan övgü küçültür

abartılan övgü küçültür

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