İnsan Eylemlerine İlişkin Konu ile İlgili Fiiller - Kanun Yaptırımlarıyla İlgili Fiiller
Burada "tutuklama", "sorgulama" ve "kelepçe" gibi kolluk kuvvetlerine gönderme yapan bazı İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
(of law enforcement agencies) to take a person away because they believe that they have done something illegal

to announce officially that someone is guilty of a crime in a court of law

mahkum etmek
to question someone in an aggressive way for a long time in order to get information

sorguya çekmek
to oversee and enforce laws, regulations, or safety measures in a specific area, typically carried out by law enforcement or responsible authorities

güvenliği sağlamak
to regularly move through a designated area, such as streets or neighborhoods, to ensure safety, security, and adherence to rules

devriye gezmek, nöbet tutmak

to restrain a person's hands together using a device, commonly done by law enforcement during an arrest

kelepçelemek, kelepçe takmak

to restrain someone by securing their wrists together, often using a device, commonly done by law enforcement during an arrest or to maintain control

to temporarily take possession of something, typically by legal authority, as a measure of security or due to a violation

el koymak, gözaltına almak

to catch someone because they are suspected of doing something wrong

yakalamak, tutuklamak