Mga Pandiwa na Kaugnay sa Paksa ng Mga Aksyon ng Tao - Mga Pandiwa na Kaugnay sa Pagpapatupad ng Batas
Dito ay matututunan mo ang ilang pandiwang Ingles na tumutukoy sa pagpapatupad ng batas tulad ng "arrest", "interrogate", at "posas".
(of law enforcement agencies) to take a person away because they believe that they have done something illegal

dakpin, aresto

to announce officially that someone is guilty of a crime in a court of law

hatulan, ideklarang nagkasala

to question someone in an aggressive way for a long time in order to get information

interrogahin, tumulog

to oversee and enforce laws, regulations, or safety measures in a specific area, typically carried out by law enforcement or responsible authorities

magsagawa ng polisiya, bantayan

to regularly move through a designated area, such as streets or neighborhoods, to ensure safety, security, and adherence to rules

magpatrol, magsuri

to restrain a person's hands together using a device, commonly done by law enforcement during an arrest

manghuli, ilag ng posas

to restrain someone by securing their wrists together, often using a device, commonly done by law enforcement during an arrest or to maintain control

buhayin, ikulong

to officially take away something from someone, usually as punishment

kawingin, bawiin

to temporarily take possession of something, typically by legal authority, as a measure of security or due to a violation

kunin, aresto