
C2 Düzeyi Kelime Listesi - toplu taşıma

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CEFR C2 Vocabulary

a service where people can rent cars for short periods, often by the hour

araç paylaşım hizmeti

araç paylaşım hizmeti

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a type of railway powered by cables that goes up and down a slope

kablolu tren

kablolu tren

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a large open space or hallway within a building, often used for gatherings or as a central area in transportation hubs like airports or train stations

geniş koridor

geniş koridor

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a vast paved area in an airport where aircrafts are parked

uçakların park edildiği havaalanı alanı

uçakların park edildiği havaalanı alanı

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provisional license

a temporary driving license allowing learners to practice driving before obtaining a full license

geçici lisans

geçici lisans

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compact car

an automobile that is smaller than a full-sized car, making it easier to drive and park in tight spaces

kompakt otomobil

kompakt otomobil

four-wheel drive

a car or truck that can use all four wheels to drive, making it better for rough roads and bad weather

Dört tekerlekten çekiş

Dört tekerlekten çekiş

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the rear door of a car, truck, or van that can be opened downwards when loading or unloading goods

bagaj kapağı

bagaj kapağı

rear end

the back portion or tail section of a vehicle

aracın arka kısmı

aracın arka kısmı

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an aircraft with rotating blades driven by engine power for lift

otojiro uçağı

otojiro uçağı

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automatic number plate recognition

a technology that uses optical character recognition to read vehicle license plates

plaka numarasının otomatik tespiti

plaka numarasının otomatik tespiti

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an old type of bicycle that is moved forward by pedal



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a long, narrow boat used for transportation in Venice

gondol teknesi

gondol teknesi

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pneumatic tube system

a network of tubes that uses compressed air or vacuum to transport small items or documents quickly and securely within a building or facility


a type of watercraft featuring two parallel hulls that are typically connected by a deck or trampoline

iki eşit ve paralel gövdeli tekne

iki eşit ve paralel gövdeli tekne

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a self-balancing electric vehicle used for short-distance transportation



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magnetic levitation

a transportation system that uses magnetic fields to propel vehicles without contact with the ground

manyetik kaldırma

manyetik kaldırma

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a compact, three-wheeled taxi popular in many Asian cities

kompakt, üç tekerlekli taksi

kompakt, üç tekerlekli taksi

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amphibious vehicle

a type of transportation that is capable of operating on both land and water

amfibi araç

amfibi araç

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a vessel that uses underwater foils to lift its hull above the water, allowing for faster and more efficient travel

deniz otobüsü

deniz otobüsü

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to ram

to crash violently into an obstacle

bir engele şiddetle çarpmak

bir engele şiddetle çarpmak

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to hot-wire

to start a car's engine without the key by using the wires attached to it

motoru çalıştırmak için arabanın kablolarını kullanma

motoru çalıştırmak için arabanın kablolarını kullanma

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to stall

to cause a car's engine to stop working

motoru kapatmak

motoru kapatmak

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to moor

to secure a boat by means of cables or anchors in a particular place



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to reroute

to change the originally planned path or direction of something, especially in transportation

yolu veya yönü değiştirmek

yolu veya yönü değiştirmek

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to veer

to abruptly turn to a different direction

yön değiştirmek

yön değiştirmek

to gun

to run an engine of a vehicle very quickly

bir aracın motorunu hızlı bir şekilde çalıştırmak

bir aracın motorunu hızlı bir şekilde çalıştırmak

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to coast

to move effortlessly, often downhill, without using power

zorluk çekmeden hareket etmek

zorluk çekmeden hareket etmek

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to idle

to run an engine slowly without being engaged in any work or gear

aracı çalıştırma

aracı çalıştırma

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