a branch of science that focuses on the study of forces responsible for maintaining balance and stability in objects

статика, статичний

a person who collects, analyzes, and interprets numerical data

статистик, статистка

a vehicle specially equipped to take sick or injured people to a hospital

швидка допомога

to add beautiful things to something in order to make it look more attractive

showing a polite, dignified, and appropriate manner of behaving

чемний, пристойний

the quality of being proper or appropriate in behavior or appearance

декорум, порядок

the branch of medicine that is concerned with diseases that are specific to women, especially those that affect their reproductive organs


a trivial detail or a specific provision within a rule, law, or procedure

технічний нюанс, технічне положення

the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry

failing to respect boundaries, doing something despite having no right in doing so

самовпевнений, зухвалий

attempting to appear intelligent, important, or something that one is not, so as to impress others

претензійний, претензійна