Прикметники Абстрактних Людських Атрибутів - Прикметники навичок і здібностей
Ці прикметники описують здібності, таланти та вміння людей, передаючи такі атрибути, як «кваліфікований», «талановитий», «компетентний» тощо.
having or showing extensive knowledge, skill, or experience in a particular field
making use of imagination or innovation in bringing something into existence
highly skilled, proficient, or talented in a particular activity or field
having or showing a high level of knowledge, skill, and aptitude in a particular area
having a clever and practical ability to make wise and effective decisions
possessing enough skill or knowledge in a certain field or job
having a natural talent, intelligence, or ability in a particular area or skill
having the necessary experience or knowledge to perform well in a particular field
having the needed skills, knowledge, or experience for a job, activity, etc.
capable of finding different, clever, and efficient ways to solve problems, often using the resources available to them in innovative ways
possessing or displaying exceptional skill or expertise in a specific area
(of a person) creative and capable of coming up with novel solutions, concepts, or products
(of objects or works) lacking the precision or quality one would expect from a paid professional
(of a person) not having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully
not having practical knowledge, skill, or familiarity in a particular field or activity
having the required quality or ability for doing something