صفات السمات البشرية المجردة - صفات المهارة والكفاءة
تصف هذه الصفات قدرات الأفراد ومواهبهم وكفاءاتهم، وتنقل سمات مثل "أكفاء" و"موهوب" و"مختص" وما إلى ذلك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
having or showing extensive knowledge, skill, or experience in a particular field

خبير, متخصص

making use of imagination or innovation in bringing something into existence

مبدع, ابتكاري

having or showing a high level of knowledge, skill, and aptitude in a particular area

مُتَقِن, متمكن

having a natural talent, intelligence, or ability in a particular area or skill

موهوب, متميز

having the necessary experience or knowledge to perform well in a particular field

ماهر, مختص

having the needed skills, knowledge, or experience for a job, activity, etc.

مؤهل, مؤهَل

capable of finding different, clever, and efficient ways to solve problems, often using the resources available to them in innovative ways

مبدع, بارع

(of a person) creative and capable of coming up with novel solutions, concepts, or products

مبتكر, إبداعي

(of objects or works) lacking the precision or quality one would expect from a paid professional

هواة, غير احترافي

(of a person) not having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully

غير كفء, عاجز