Освіта - Розлади навчання
Тут ви дізнаєтесь деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з розладами навчання, наприклад «дислексія», «дисграфія» та «дискравія».
a specific neurobiological disorder marked by difficulty reading and spelling in individuals with otherwise unaffected intelligence
a specific learning disorder that affects writing skills, causing difficulties with handwriting, spelling, and written expression
a learning disorder characterized by difficulty in understanding and performing mathematical concepts and calculations
a neurological condition characterized by difficulties in coordination, movement, and planning, often affecting activities of daily living and academic performance
a learning disorder characterized by difficulty in understanding and processing written symbols, often leading to challenges in reading and spelling
дисграфія, дислексія
a language disorder resulting from brain damage or injury that impairs an individual's ability to understand, produce, and use language
a condition where individuals have difficulty understanding and interpreting auditory information despite having normal hearing abilities
розлад слухової обробки, складнощі з обробкою аудіо
a condition, experienced mostly by children, making them seem restless, unable to keep focus, and act impulsively
синдром дефіциту уваги з гіперактивністю, СДВГ
a condition in which an individual has difficulties with the comprehension or expression of language, which may affect their ability to communicate effectively and use language appropriately in various contexts
мовний розлад, мовне порушення
a condition characterized by trouble connecting what the eyes see with what the hands do, causing difficulties in tasks like writing, drawing, and hand-eye coordination
візуально-моторний дефіцит, візуально-моторне розлад
a condition characterized by difficulties in spelling words correctly due to challenges in understanding the visual representation of letters and their arrangement in words
a condition where someone finds it hard to learn and do everyday things because of challenges with thinking and understanding
інтелектуальна недостатність, розумова відсталість
a cognitive decline that is greater than expected for an individual's age and education level but does not significantly interfere with daily functioning
легке когнітивне порушення, незначне когнітивне зниження