Необхідний Словниковий Запас для Іспиту SAT - Process
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з процесом, наприклад «revert», «onset», «proactive» тощо, які вам знадобляться, щоб отримати SAT.
the initial period in which an idea, project, technology, or organization is just beginning to develop

початковий етап, дитинство

to develop or progress in a way that shows promise or potential

розвиватися, відкриватися

to respond in kind to a gesture or action

відповідати відповідно, взаємно реагувати

involving mutual action or influence between two or more entities

інтерактивний, інтерактивна

controlling a situation by actively taking steps to manage it, rather than being passive or reactive

проактивний, активний

newly started or formed, and expected to further develop and grow

початковий, зародковий

marking the beginning or initiation of something, often an event, series, or period

урочистий, вступний

without any interruptions, mistakes, or visible imperfections

безперервний, досконалий

having persisted or existed for a significant amount of time

давній, тривалий

repeatedly happening or reappearing, often at regular intervals

рецидивуючий, повторний

in a manner directly from the original source or from personal experience

з перших вуст, на особистому досвіду

influencing the development or growth of something else, particularly during a crucial period

формувальний, той

in an automatic manner as if by using an engine, opposed to human effort alone

механічно, автоматично

in a manner where one thing is opposite or contrary to another

навпаки, в протилежному напрямку

in a manner that advances or develops gradually over time

прогресивно, поступово

at irregular intervals, with breaks or pauses in between

періодично, з перервами

the fact of being brought to an end; the action of putting an end to something

припинення, термінація

a specific method of carrying out an activity that requires special skills

техніка, метод

an additional result or consequence that occurs alongside the main outcome, often unexpectedly

побічний продукт, додатковий результат

the waste gases or air expelled from an engine, furnace, or other machinery

вихлоп, вихлопні гази

(of a machine or system) to suffer a sudden malfunction or fault that stops something from working correctly

глючити, даватим збій

a finite sequence of well-defined, mathematical instructions for completing a specific task or solving a problem

алгоритм, чисельний алгоритм

the tangible or measurable results, products, or goods produced by a process or system

вихід, продукція

an event or incident that happens or takes place, often referring to specific instances observed or recorded

випадок, явище

the action of maintaining or continuing something, typically a practice, belief, or state

постійність, перpetуація

a reward or consequence received as a result of actions, whether positive or negative

нагородa, результат

a tiny fragment or piece that survives after the larger part has been used, removed, or destroyed

залишок, фрагмент

a minor remaining part or trace of something that is no longer present in full

вість, слід

the leftover parts or fragments of something that has been used, consumed, or destroyed

залишки, фрагменти

an unexpected event that makes a situation more complex

непередбачені наслідки, рамки

the mutual action and reaction between two or more elements, often influencing each other

взаємодія, взаємний вплив

to perform or manage oneself in a particular way, especially in response to a situation or condition

впоратися, справлятися

to change something such as a process, situation, etc. to be the opposite of what it was before

зворотити, перевернути

to experience a delay or slow progress in a process or activity

гальмувати, відкладати