انسانی صفات کی تجریدی خصوصیات - مثبت اخلاقی خصلتوں کی صفت
یہ صفتیں ایسی خوبیوں اور اخلاقی خصوصیات کو بیان کرتی ہیں جو کسی شخص کی دیانت، دیانت، شفقت، انصاف پسندی اور پرہیزگاری کی عکاسی کرتی ہیں۔
فلیش کارڈز
following the principles of wrong and right and behaving based on the ethical standards of a society

اخلاقی, معنوی

(of a person) genuine, truthful, and honest in one's intentions, feelings, and actions

ایماندار, سچا

having a willingness to freely give or share something with others, without expecting anything in return

سخاوت, سخی

showing firm and constant support to a person, organization, cause, or belief

وفادار, نیک نوا

willing to give one's energy and time to something because one believes in it

پرعزم, مخلص

displaying high moral standards and consistently behaving with integrity, fairness, and honesty

معزز, احترام والا

showing respect to what other people say or do even when one disagrees with them

بردبار, تحمل کرنے والا

(of a person or statement) telling the truth without deceit or falsehood

سچائی, ایماندار

acting in accordance with moral principles, without compromise or wrongdoing

راست باز, دوروس

acting selflessly for the well-being of others, often prioritizing their needs over one's own

خود غرضی سے پاک, نیک دل